Schlei Vikings
The idea of developing a brand that deals with our home of the Schlei and therefore also the home of many Vikings and shows this in many products came about many years ago. But a precise market analysis showed that although “Vikings” are of interest to many people, the emphasis on hobby or historical consideration with a serious background is often very different. Our shop had to have a correspondingly broad base, which initially required high investments.
It is important to us to respect all stakeholders.
Our shop is constantly evolving. We consciously offer products made from different materials to suit every budget.
We make no secret of the fact that we prefer pieces of jewelry made from #amber - working with #Viking gold is a lot of fun and in the end, every piece of #Viking jewelry is unique.
In addition to our online shop, we have our showroom in #Barkelsby - about 25km away from the historic Viking settlement in #Haithabu - open on weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. With our sales van we are at many markets and make contact with many Viking groups from all over Europe, motorcycle clubs and those interested in the Vikings with their shield maidens. #Schleivikings is working on its own product line for the #Viking child.
Our brand is apolitical and we reject violence of any form.
We look forward to receiving visitors from near and far to the shop, showroom or sales van.